mY viEw

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Alcohol drinking has become a part of the modern practices. In a social group people drink just to fit in or to become the part of the group. Casually speaking, if men consume two drinks per day and women have one drink there are no dangerous effects. In spite of the fact the series consequences suffered by a huge number of Americans. The statistics
Show that about thirteen million Americans are alcoholic.

These consequences are life threatening. Consumption of alcohol slows down the brain activity. The nervous system is greatly affected by the alcohol. The risk of cancer is increased due to intervention of alcohol. The person who consumes a lot of alcohol loses the ability to analyze a situation and become vulnerable. Alcohol directly affects the nervous system and can damage it. The immune system is destroyed by the alcohol and liver can suffer from cirrhosis. In case of pregnant woman the alcohol can be lethal for both the mother and the child and can cause medical complications.

Alcoholism which is also referred as alcohol dependence is a disease. The patient suffering from it craves for alcohol. It becomes compulsory for him to drink alcohol. The desire goes out of control.

A drunken person is like a driver of car with no brakes. Anybody who is around him or her is bound to suffer. The family of such a person suffers with him. The person undergoes physical and emotional crisis. This habit requires professional help and a lot of effort to get rid off.